Bilingual Front Desk Staff

Family Dentist in Plano Urges Mouthguards in ALL Sports

April 13, 2018

youth athleteYou wouldn’t think of sending your child out onto the court or field without all of the proper equipment — but does that include a custom-fitted mouthguard? Your family dentist in Plano urges you not to forget about this crucial piece of protection. It can provide important cushioning your child’s growing smile, even in sports you may not think are all that risky. Keep reading to find out more about mouthguards, including where you can find one in Plano!

Why Mouthguards Are Important

Sports injuries are the most common reason for dental emergencies. They can strike athletes of all ages when they’re least expecting it. A ball hits the face, or the face hits a shoulder — and pain and panic ensue. A mouthguard is a small piece of protection that can make a big difference. It cushions the teeth to prevent injuries like chips, breaks, tooth loss, dislodged teeth, and other issues.

Some of the sports that demand mouth protection are:

  • Football
  • Wrestling
  • Boxing
  • Basketball
  • Tennis
  • Gymnastics
  • Baseball
  • Hockey
  • Mountain biking
  • Weightlifting

Athletes of all ages and levels of play should invest in a mouthguard! Whether it’s adult league soccer or a semi-professional team, your own smile is just as vulnerable to injuries as your child’s.

Custom-Fitted Is Crucial

You can pick up a boil-and-bite mouthguard at the drugstore, but partnering with your dentist for one that’s customized is by far the best way to go. A mouthguard that is designed for your or your child’s unique dentition is more comfortable, meaning it is more likely to be used at all times. Plus, new research suggests that wearing a customized mouthguard can actually reduce the risk of concussion in young athletes. That makes it well worth the small investment!

Where to Find a Mouthguard in Time for Game Day

Your family dentist can create a customized mouthguard for all of the athletes in your family! It is a simple process that just takes a quick visit to the dental office. First, we will take an impression of the teeth to make sure the mouthguard fits like a glove. Then, the device is created and sent to you! You or your child can begin wearing it immediately.

Clean and rinse your mouthguard each time you take it out and before you put it in again. With proper care, it should last about one season. Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you lose or misplace this crucial piece of equipment! When it’s game time, we’ll be cheering on you or your child from the office of Antoon Family Dental.  

About Antoon Family Dental

Dr. Sam Antoon is the Plano family dentist to turn to for comprehensive, high-quality dental services. To learn more about mouthguards or to schedule an appointment for you or your child, you are invited to call the office at 972-267-5000.