Bilingual Front Desk Staff

You Should Change Out Your Toothbrush Often

August 26, 2015

Know when the right time is to buy a new toothbrush.With the exception of taxes and death, nothing lasts forever – including your toothbrush. Over time, your toothbrush can wear down and do the same to your teeth. Taking care of your teeth is very important for your oral health and to help keep your smile looking bright and beautiful. There are many things you can do to help take care of your toothbrush. At our office in Plano, TX, we do a lot more than just perform procedures on patients. We also offer advice and tips on various dental subjects, including how to care for your toothbrush. It’s an important tool in your oral-health belt that can keep your smile looking and feeling beautiful. Dr. Sam Antoon is the dentist Plano, TX residents can trust to help keep their oral health in fantastic shape.

Enjoy Dental Care For The Whole Family

June 12, 2015


Your family’s health is very important to you and to us. Great health leads to happiness, which then leads to living a positive life. As a parent, you have cared for your children for years, and now is an even better time to put their dental health at the top of your list. Good dental health can be achieved at any age, and we can help you get there. Unfortunately, brushing and flossing alone can’t rid your mouth of every disease or infection. You ultimately need the help of a professional that offers gentle care to all patients — that professional’s name is Dr. Same Antoon in Plano, TX. Our expert staff is here to bring comfort and relaxation for your family as you receive treatment in our office. If there are dental issues occurring in either yours or your family’s mouths, we want to know so we can properly treat the problem. Our family atmosphere is positive and full of fun stuff for the kids to do as you wait for your appointment.


Get a Picture-Perfect Smile for Summer with Teeth Whitening in Plano, TX

May 11, 2015

ThinkstockPhotos-teeth whitening summer beachSpring is in the air and before we know it, the warm Texas summer will be upon us. That means poolside parties, barbecue get-togethers, and trips to the lake with family and friends. Make sure that your smile is as bright as your personality this summer with teeth whitening at Antoon Family Dental, conveniently located just off Preston Road near Tennyson Parkway in Plano, TX. Our extensive menu of cosmetic dentistry services has everything you need to enjoy a confident, attractive smile this season and all year round.

The Importance of Treating Gum Disease: Periodontal Therapy in Plano, TX

March 15, 2015

GettyImages_465112307When most of us think of gum disease, the first thoughts that come to mind are typically bleeding after brushing, bad breath, and even gum line recession. While all of these are certainly common symptoms associated with periodontal disease, there are actually even more severe complications to keep in mind as well. At Antoon Family Dental in Plano, TX, Dr. Sam Antoon and his team offer a wide variety of general and preventive dentistry services to families from throughout the DFW Metroplex, including periodontal therapy for the treatment of gum disease.

The Mouth Body Connection: Systemic Health

If you envision the mouth as a portal to the rest of the body, it’s not hard to see why treating gum disease is so vital to overall well-being. When bacteria from around and beneath the gum line are allowed to enter the bloodstream, serious problems can result. In fact, recent studies have linked untreated gum disease with a number of potentially life-threatening conditions, including the following:

  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis
  • Cancers of the blood and the pancreas
  • Respiratory illness, including pneumonia
  • Stroke
  • Dementia
  • Higher risk of premature birth and low birth weight in pregnant women
  • Heart attack

Fortunately, periodontal therapy can help you to dramatically reduce your risk of developing these and other complications associated with gum disease. With regular visits with Dr. Antoon and his experienced, caring team of oral healthcare professionals, you can enjoy not only a healthier smile, but a healthier body as well.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

If you or someone in your family is suffering from the common symptoms of gum disease, please don’t hesitate to contact us today to schedule your visit. Our family-friendly dental practice in Plano, TX warmly welcomes patients from throughout the surrounding areas, including busy professionals who work along Preston Road, Spring Creek Parkway, Legacy, Tennyson Parkway, and more. Dr. Antoon is proud to provide general, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry to families in Frisco, Plano, The Colony, Lewisville, Allen, Richardson, and beyond.

Finally Enjoy Restful Sleep with Sleep Apnea Treatment in Plano, TX

January 15, 2015

147352006Obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA, is a condition that affects approximately 18 million American men and women, though many of those affected are unaware of their disorder. This is because OSA occurs while the patient is unconscious, depriving the brain and body of vital oxygen throughout the night. The soft tissues of the throat and palate block the passage of air down into the lungs, leading to a variety of other health issues over time. Fortunately, Dr. Sam Antoon can help. At Antoon Family Dental, Dr. Antoon and his team provide families in Plano, TX with a variety of general dentistry services, including non-surgical sleep apnea treatment.

The Importance of Treating Sleep Apnea

In patients with sleep apnea, an insufficient amount of oxygen is delivered to the brain and other organs throughout the body. When blood oxygen levels decrease to a certain point, the brain attempts to awaken you in an effort to force normal breathing. This repeated struggle to breathe despite the obstruction of the throat leaves the patient feeling tired in the morning and throughout the day. It also causes loud snoring, an issue that often leads to one member of an otherwise happy couple spending the night on the couch.

While excessive snoring is certainly known as the most common nuisance associated with sleep apnea, there are other concerns that can prove far more serious. Instances of heart disease and stroke, for example, have been found to be higher in patients with untreated sleep apnea. Other conditions frequently linked to OSA include chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety, pulmonary hypertension, high blood pressure, and eye problems like glaucoma. Fortunately, sleep apnea treatment with a custom-fitted nightguard can dramatically reduce your risk of developing these and other health conditions.

Custom Nightguards for Sleep Apnea Relief

If you or your partner is affected by obstructive sleep apnea, the team at Antoon Family Dental can help. Contact us today to schedule your consultation, and learn more about how a custom oral appliance can help you achieve the deep, restful sleep your body and mind need to stay healthy. Our family-friendly, high-tech dental office in Plano, TX warmly welcomes patients from throughout the surrounding communities, including the areas of Tennyson Parkway, Preston Road, Spring Creek Parkway, and the Shops at Legacy. We are also happy to serve families from around North Dallas, including neighborhoods in Frisco, The Colony, Lewisville, Allen, Richardson, and beyond.

Reclaim Your Smile’s Form and Function with Implant-Supported Dentures

December 15, 2014

151545340Dental implants are widely regarded as the gold standard of tooth replacement, and it’s easy to see why. A dental implant replaces the entirety of a missing tooth, including the sturdy root structure that holds teeth in place. While traditional dentures and partials are sufficient for some patients, many others find that they desire a more natural look and feel than these removable prosthetics can offer. At Antoon Family Dental in Plano, TX, Dr. Sam Antoon and his team offer an extensive range of restorative dentistry services, including dental implants and implant-supported dentures.

Benefits of Implant-Supported Dentures

Also known as implant-retained dentures, these securely anchored prosthetics are specially designed to look, feel, and function more like your natural teeth than traditional dentures. While conventional dentures are prone to slipping, clicking, and shifting during speech or while you’re eating, dentures supported by dental implants remain firmly in their proper position so that you can feel confident when you eat, speak, and smile around others.

The first step to determining your candidacy for implant-supported dentures is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Antoon and his caring, experienced team. We will perform a thorough examination of your gums, jaw, and any remaining teeth that you may have. A healthy mouth is the best foundation for successful restorative dental work, and we will gladly help you achieve improved oral health even as we formulate your personalized tooth replacement treatment plan.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

Dr. Antoon is dedicated to providing his patients with customized, effective solutions to meet their unique needs in a way that is always gentle, respectful, and genuinely caring. If you would like to explore your tooth replacement options with a Plano, TX dentist you can trust, we invite you to schedule your visit with Dr. Antoon today. Ask us about how dental implants and implant-retained dentures can help you reclaim your smile, your strong bite, and your confidence. Our conveniently located Plano dental office warmly welcomes families from throughout the nearby areas of Frisco, Allen, Richardson, Lewisville, The Colony, and more. We truly can’t wait to show you what an amazing difference dental implants can make in your smile and in your life!

Plano Family Dentistry: Holiday Dental Care Tips from Antoon Family Dental

November 15, 2014

185549269With the holiday season fast approaching, you’re going to have a lot on your plate; that includes a lot of the delicious desserts and sugary treats that can wreak havoc on your family’s dental health. But you don’t have to give in to cavities and decay if you’re proactive with your oral health care. Take our advice below, and then make your pre- holiday Plano family dentistry appointments with Dr. Antoon at Antoon Family Dental today. Dr. Antoon and his experienced team can help you and your family stay healthy year round. Antoon Family Dental proudly serve patients of all ages  throughout Plano, TX, Frisco, Allen, The Colony, Richardson, North Dallas, Garland, and the surrounding communities.

Plano Family Dentistry: 5 Healthy Holiday Tips

#1- Boost Your Dairy Intake

Try drinking a glass of low fat milk, or eating a small piece of cheese, after eating a sugary dessert. This will help wash away and trap harmful sugary residues. Also, the extra calcium and vitamin D will help fortify your teeth against infection and decay.

#2- Chew Sugar Free Gum

The ingredient Xylitol, which is found in most brands of sugar free gum, has been shown to strengthen teeth and fight against cavities.

#3- Ax the Snacks

Snacking in between meals can be very damaging to your teeth. Snacking prolongs the amount of time your teeth are exposed to dangerous sugary residues. Try only eating a few filling meals per day, and then brushing afterwards, to reduce the chance of developing cavities.

#4- Come Prepared

You may have plans to attend holiday parties or to do some holiday traveling. If you do, remember to pack a travel size oral hygiene kit (toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss) to carry with you so that you are more likely to keep up a healthy oral hygiene routine throughout the holiday season.

#5- Make the Call

The most important thing you can do to keep your teeth healthy this season, is to make an appointment with Antoon Family Dental for a dental checkup and cleaning. Dr. Antoon can stop or prevent tooth decay as well as protect your teeth with dental sealants and fluoride treatments.


Plano Family Dentistry Appointments

Don’t let tooth decay and gum disease ruin your family’s good health over the holidays. Make your Plano family dentistry appointments with Dr. Antoon at Antoon Family Dental today. Dr. Antoon and his highly qualified team proudly serve families throughout Plano, TX, Frisco, Allen, The Colony, Richardson, North Dallas, Garland, and nearby areas.

Face the World Confidently with Porcelain Veneers from Antoon Family Dental in Plano, TX

October 15, 2014

461767421No doubt about it—the way you look impacts the way you feel. And if you’re not satisfied with the way your smile looks, then you may not feel your best personally or professionally. If you have teeth that are much stained, chipped, cracked or slightly misaligned, then porcelain veneers may be the answer. Dr. Sam Antoon and the team at Antoon Family Dental in Plano, TX, have years of experience in helping people repair their smiles and boost their feelings of confidence with porcelain veneers.

When to Consider Porcelain Veneers

The first step in determining if porcelain veneers are the right option for you is a consultation with Dr. Antoon. At this visit, the doctor will carefully examine and assess your teeth, gums and overall oral health. In many cases, porcelain veneers relatively easily and quickly solve a host of cosmetic problems, including:

  • Teeth that are discolored, perhaps because of the use of certain antibiotics, root canal treatment or excessive fluoride
  • Teeth that are worn, chipped, cracked or broken
  • Teeth that are misaligned, uneven or shaped irregularly
  • Teeth with gaps in between them

What are Veneers and How are Veneers Applied?

Porcelain veneers are ultra-thin, custom-made shells of tooth-colored dental porcelain that are bonded to the front of teeth to change their color, shape, size or length. To prepare your tooth for a porcelain veneer, Dr. Antoon will remove a very thin layer of the tooth’s enamel. Then, an impression of the tooth is made and sent to a dental lab that will fabricate the veneer. You’ll return to the office in one to two weeks when Dr. Antoon will permanently bond the veneer to your tooth with dental cement. You’ll walk out with a new smile, a new look and renewed confidence!

Schedule Your Appointment Today

If you would like to discuss how porcelain veneers might give you back your smile and your confidence, then call our office in Plano, TX, today. Dr. Antoon and his colleagues also serve patients in Frisco, Allen, The Colony, Richardson, North Dallas and Garland.

Show the World a Brighter You with Teeth Whitening from Antoon Family Dental in Plano, TX

September 15, 2014

185575494Smile and the whole world smiles with you. If your teeth are discolored, however, you may be hesitant to show those less than pearly whites, and you’re not alone. Many adults of all ages wish their smiles were brighter. At Antoon Family Dental in Plano, TX, Dr. Sam Antoon and his team offer professional teeth whitening treatments that will give you the beautiful results you want on a schedule that suits your lifestyle.

Teeth Whitening to the Rescue!

Teeth become discolored for many reasons. Some we can control and some happen naturally with age. In fact, aging is one of the primary culprits, because teeth show the results of wear and tear over the years. Other reasons include:

  • Eating and drinking darkly colored or highly acidic foods and beverages
  • Smoking
  • Teeth grinding
  • Some prescription antibiotics
  • Genetic tooth color and translucency

Two Ways to Whiten Teeth

If you have a special occasion soon—a wedding, a graduation or even an important presentation at work—then Zoom! Teeth Whitening is for you. The special Zoom! teeth whitening gel is applied to your teeth and activated with a low-heat light. That’s it! Schedule a convenient appointment, and about one hour later you’ll leave with a gleaming new smile.

On the other hand, if you’re not in a hurry to achieve a dramatic change, then we also offer a take-home teeth whitening option. After a visit in our Plano office, you’ll be given custom-fitted trays and top-of-the-line whitening gel. Then, you simply wear them for the recommended amount of time every day. Although you’ll notice a difference after only one application, the most impressive results happen in one or two weeks.

Schedule Your Appointment for Teeth Whitening Today

For the smile of your dreams that will improve your appearance and boost your confidence, call our office in Plano, TX today. Dr. Antoon and his team will be glad to help you obtain a winning smile! We also conveniently serve families in Frisco, McKinney, Allen, The Colony and North Dallas. 

Back-to-School Dental Checklist: Children’s Dentistry at Antoon Family Dental

August 15, 2014

Shutterstock Child at DentistAs the first day of school draws nearer for millions of kids from across the country, most parents are preparing by hitting the stores for school supplies and managing their schedules to include extracurricular activities like sports and after-school clubs. There’s one more thing you need to remember before school starts this year to get your child ready for the semester ahead: a trip to Antoon Family Dental for a checkup and cleaning. Dr. Sam Antoon and his team provide families throughout Plano, TX with a variety of general and preventive dentistry solutions, including children’s dental services.

What Can You Expect at Your Child’s Visit?

At Antoon Family Dental, we understand that the dental office can sometimes prove an intimidating place for young children, so we create a warm, family-friendly atmosphere where it’s easy to relax and feel comfortable. We will always take the time to get to know you and your child, fostering a relationship built on trust, friendship, and gentle care.

During your child’s exam, Dr. Antoon will assess the appearance and health of each individual tooth, as well as the gums and other soft tissues. X-rays will help in determining the health of the teeth and the development of the jaw. If your little one tends to get too nervous or fidgety to sit still during his or her visit, we can help with that, too. Our lengthy list of comforts and amenities – along with safe and effective sedation options like nitrous oxide – makes it easy to get the care you need while enjoying a pleasant experience overall.

If we do come across anything worthy of concern, we’ll talk with you about your available options. As the parents of our valued little patients, you’ll always be kept informed about your child’s oral health from start to finish. Get ready for back-to-school time the right way with a children’s dentistry visit to Antoon Family Dental!

Reserve Your Child’s Appointment Today

When school begins, your schedule will more than likely become busier than ever; take the time now to contact us and schedule your appointment so you can avoid the hassle of missed work and school later! We warmly invite patients from throughout the greater DFW area, including Plano, Frisco, Richardson, Lewisville, Addison, The Colony, and beyond. We look forward to seeing and serving your little one’s beautiful smile!